Nagel Foldnak 8 Booklet Maker + Nagel Trimmer

Nagel Foldnak 8 Booklet Maker + Nagel Trimmer

Price: 4050 EUR

Nagel Foldnak 8 Booklet Maker + Nagel Trimmer
The machine is operational, ready for production.
The device staples at two points and folds in half to form a finished booklet, and the final knife cuts off the front of the booklet.

– regular and optional eyelet sewing (standard staples, cheap to use)
– heads adjustable in up to 6 positions
– the ability to turn off sewing or folding (this allows, for example, only sewing)
– triggering from a button or a photocell
– counter of completed copies
– side equation
– indicator light indicating the lack of staples
– SRA3 format
– 230V power supply
Supports unusual formats.

Nagel Trimmer front knife
Technical data:
Size of the finished booklet: A6-A4
Max booklet thickness: 5mm
230V power supply
Weight 300kg

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