Bacciottini Pit Stop 36 Automatic Creaser
Eurofold Touchline CF-375 automatic creasing and folding machine
Automatic creasing and folding machine Morgana Autocreaser Pro 50 + AutoFold Pro
Foellmer 45 ME/T creasing machine
Morgana Autocreaser 50 automatic creasing machine
Petratto Mini Bat 2 automatic creasing machine + Mitafold folding machine
Bacciottini Pit Stop FM Speed automatic creasing machine
Cyklos GPM 450SA semi-automatic creasing machine
Graphic Whizard CreaseMaster Pro automatic creasing machine
Morgana Autocreaser PRO 33 automatic creasing machine
Morgana Auto Creaser PRO 50 automatic creasing machine
Petratto MINI BAT 2 automatic creasing machine
Cyklos Airspeed 450 automatic creasing machine
OMM Mariner 2 creasing machine
Automatic creasing perforating machine Favorit CPC 480A