Foldmaster 400 STA Automatic Pharmacy Folding Machine

Foldmaster 400 STA Automatic Pharmacy Folding Machine

Price: 7000 EUR

Foldmaster 400 STA Automatic Pharmacy Folding Machine
Manufactured by Multigraf, Switzerland. This is the latest, currently produced model.
Four-cassette machine, working format 35×65 cm. Standard folds „Z” „C” „half” „two times in half” „altar” „double Z” etc.
Feeding from the elevator – high stack. This allows the machine to be operated by one person.
The machine is in perfect condition!
230 V power supply.

Adjustment of the thickness of the folded material from the outside of the machine (no need to remove the casing for adjustment), Rietschle compressor.
Electronically set cassettes from the desktop – the solution makes the work much easier and faster and at the same time allows the machine to be operated by a person who has no contact with folding machines.
Automatic cassette blinding. The first cassette is enlarged for longer formats.
Very low fold allowing for folding leaflets for pharmacy.
Counter with a packaging function, smooth regulation of suction time, pause time, total counter, possibility of counting from a given value, indication of folding speed.
Smooth regulation of speed.
Cassette soundproofing.
Electric delivery with smooth regulation of speed and operation on a photocell.
Possibility of installing perforation or creasing.
The folding machine has wheels with a lock for easy movement.

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